Thursday, August 7, 2008

fruits and veggies

I have been meaning to try this on my kids for a long time...the only problem I have is most of the recipes call for eggs, which Kaden can not have. I think it is a great idea anyway.

Brocade home

I am really sad that Jordon and I just ordered another bed, I will have to wait a few years before he lets me get a new one. But this is adorable.

This is on sale, and I think I am going to order it. I don't know where I am going to put it, but I love it.

If we ever get a flat screen TV.. I would love this frame. I think it looks awesome.

We have one of these spots in our house, and I like the letter idea.

I love these pictures but they are pretty pricey from Ballard designs. Some day....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Thank you Martha

Love the crystal knobs, I have been looking for a towel rack, now I am looking for crystal knobs.

I was just telling Jordon that I think we need one of those things that holds business cards because we have a whole junk drawer of them we don't want to throw away. So, thank you again Martha for a good idea.

I like the artist tape, it adds nice color to the office. I don't even know where to buy artists tape, but I think it is cute.

I love, love, love this idea. I now have a drawer in my bathroom big enough to hold just my jewelry. I am excited to find cute bowls and plates to hold my jewelry. I especially like the earrings on the side of the bowl. Genious!

This blog

So, I was laying awake last night thinking of all the things I want to do in my new house. I thought to myself.. I should be writing this down, knowing how well I remember things. (I swear I lose brain cells with every baby). Anyway, I decided I was going to make a blog, of things I have seen or heard that I love and wish I could have, or create. I am not very creative, I wish I could take pictures like Annie, or have fashion sense like Rachael or bake like Candice but I can't... I have to copy. :) Therefore... copy & create. I hope you all like this blog, and if you don't, well it is mostly for me anyway. :)